By popular demand, I am delaying this 2 weeks. and changing the format a little.
For those that want to do this as a day-trip, meet us at the Tip Top trail head, drive the trail with us, and head home.
Anyone else is welcome to join Friday, and leave Saturday evening, or Join at the trailhead, and leave with us on Sunday.
On Friday, I would like to meet in Norco at 7am. We will head through Mentone to Highway 38. Just past Angelus Oaks, we exit to Middle Control road, then Clark's Grade to Grandview, then Skyline Divide to the base of Bear Mtn. From there, we can take pavement to Baldwin Lake, and pick up 2N02 to Burns Canyon. I'd like to camp somewhere around that area.
Saturday, any early risers can explore other trails in that area. I would like to see what's left in the area of Heartbreak Ridge. By 11am, the day trippers should be there, and we can run and and down all the branches of Tip Top. Whoever hangs around can scratch around the mines, or make any other side trips that look interesting.
Sunday, we can head out 2N01 to Hwy 38, and maybe take a side trip to Onyx Peak on the way home.